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Sauna infusion FINaroma lemongrass

Sauna infusion FINaroma lemongrass

Regular price CHF 12.80
Regular price Sale price CHF 12.80
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Base: ethanol. Renowned formulation that is used thousands of times in saunas; with the familiar slightly spicy smell of ethanol. The scent development is relatively quick, the flash point and the VOC content are adjusted.

The fresh production with - depending on the scent - nature-identical fragrances, essential oils and natural extracts after receipt of the order ensures the maximum storage time and the satisfaction of the sauna guests. We produce tested raw materials with the aim of “healthy sauna baths for guests and infusers” within the scope of the respective scent options with significantly reduced, flammable solvents. The fragrance development over 2-4 minutes is retained.

The container labels contain the ingredients according to INCI and list any allergens and batch tracking, which is useful for handling optimization.

Highly concentrated and so economical to use: 10-30 ml for 5 liters of infusion water.

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